EURAMCO operates internationally and launches ground-breaking Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) through EURAMCO Invest GmbH. Our investments focus on the promising fields of real estate and renewable energy. Our experienced employees worldwide enable clients to maximize their opportunities and minimize their risks. Our team of experts is also responsible for establishing soundly structured funds and delivering professional fund and asset management.
We are distinguished from our competitors by our bespoke investor services, through which we ensure that no investor need goes unmet.
We currently manage more than 95,000 investments in 90 closed-end investment funds and asset-related investment products in accordance with the German Investment Act (Vermögensanlagegesetz).
We are a member of the Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI).
The Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI) is the cross-asset and cross-product advocacy association for the Alternative Investments industry in Germany.
The main objectives of the BAI are the enhancement of public awareness for alternative investment strategies and asset classes, as well as the creation of internationally competitive and attractive (regulatory) conditions for the investment in alternative investments and the representation of industry interests to the government and regulators.
EURAMCO Asset GmbH is a member of the BWE.
The German Wind Energy Association (Bundesverband Windenergie e. V. or BWE) is a trade association of the wind energy industry in Germany. It unites planners, manufacturers and operators of wind power plants as well as other promoters and users of wind power. BWE’s goal is to promote the advantages of wind energy as a key technology on the way to an energy system based on 100 percent renewable energies.